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What Happens In Near-Death Experiences?

FeaturedVid Sep 28

NDEs, also known as near-death experiences, are triggered during solitary life-threatening occurrences such as when the body is harmed as a result of serious trauma, a cardiac attack, hypoxia, shock, and other similar events.

Thousands of people who have managed to live through these terrifying near-death experiences have shared stories of how they were able to leave their injured bodies behind and travel to other dimensions. These profound and mystical experiences have the potential to bring about a change that is enduring in their life.

NDEs are not elaborate figments of the imagination; rather, they are a real phenomenon. They can make a person feel as though they are no longer experiencing any pain, that there is a shining glow at the end of a tunnel or other visual phenomenon, that they have detached themselves from their body and are floating above it, or that they have even taken off into space. It is possible that during one of these experiences, the person would meet deceased or living loved ones, as well as spiritual creatures such as angels; recall or even review memories from their entire existence, or have an altered perception of time and space.

NDEs have the potential to be either uplifting or distressing experiences. The good ones are like having the sensation of overwhelming presence, like something mystical or heavenly. It helps us feel serene and gives us a feeling of oneness with the cosmos, taking our minds off the immense trauma that was inflicted on the body. However, not every near-death experience is a joyful one; some of them can be terrifying, characterised by tremendous fear, misery, loneliness, and despair.

Any encounter with death serves as a sobering reminder of the vulnerability and fragility of our lives. In the majority of cases, the impact of these occurrences lessens with the passage of time, and eventually, a sense of normalcy is restored, but they can leave long lasting impacts on the personality of a person.


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