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Trickey Drawing of Paw Patrol Character- Everest

FeaturedVid Feb 02

Paw Patrol is an American animated television series created by Keith Chapman. The series revolves around a group of six heroic puppies led by Ryder, a human 10-year-old boy, who saves the day in Adventure Bay. One of the main characters of the show is Everest, a female husky puppy who is always ready to lend a paw. 

Everest is always up for a challenge, and she loves nothing more than a good adventure. When it comes to mountain climbing, she is the expert. She knows all the best routes and how to get to the top safely. Everest also has a very special talent – she can ice climb! This comes in handy when the pups need to rescue someone from a snowy mountain top.

Everest is known for her speed and agility, which comes in handy when the Paw Patrol is in a tight spot. In this Paw Patrol character drawing tutorial, the artist is going to show you how to draw Everest in a tricky method. First, start by drawing her head and ears. Next, add in her body and legs. Finally, finish up by drawing her tail and fur markings. Everest is one of the most popular Paw Patrol characters, so make sure to practice your drawing skills before you tackle this tutorial.


Infact, Paw Patrol drawing is the perfect way to get your child’s creative juices flowing. They can start by sketching out the basic shapes of the characters, then add in the details like fur and accessories. And don’t forget the backgrounds! Encourage your child to use their imagination and create a scene that brings the Paw Patrol world to life. Because children see the world of cartoon and art via different types of curiosity and point of view.

So bust out those coloring supplies and get ready for some fun! With Paw Patrol drawing, your child can explore their creativity while spending time with their favorite furry friends. 


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