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What Is Blues Guitar?

FeaturedVid Aug 30

The Blues guitar is a type of guitar which is based on a popular rhythm guitar style of contemporary times. It is based on a chord pattern which includes 12 bars. Blues guitar can be found in almost every style of rock music, including country and metal.

You must absorb the three components of a blues guitar to be a successful blues guitarist. The 12 bar progression of the chords comes first. Not only in blues music, but in most rock music as well, the 12 bar blues chords are the foundation chord progression. The second component is the minor pentatonic scale. In blues, rock and pop this pentatonic scale is a musical scale containing 5 notes per octave instead of the customary 7 and is the most often utilised scale. Finally, there’s the blues scale. It is almost the same as the minor pentatonic scale, except that it also adds one B5 interval to make it a six-note scale.

In blues guitar, or in fact in any guitar, chords are the fundamental elements of music. Chords can be thought of in the same manner as letters on a page. The letters will create a phrase when placed together. Which in turn will cause the sentences to come together to make a book. Similarly, chords combine to form progressions, and progressions form a song. The Nashville system of numbering, which categorises the degree of scale on which a chord is produced, is used to write guitar chord progressions in Roman numbers.

It’s important to know which key to play while playing a chord sequence like the 12 bar blues. A combination of chords with scales is referred to as a musical key. A and E are the two most popular keys in blues music. The I IV V I sequence is one of the most common chord progressions. Each progression may be performed in any key, allowing for a variety of sounds and combinations.


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