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What Does It Take To Write A Good Rap Song?

FeaturedVid May 13

Unlike other types of music, rap songs are unique in their own right. Rap gives more importance to the words. Raps draw attention to the story being told, and to the emotions that the artist is attempting to communicate. It is therefore important to remember that rap is about storytelling and emotional expression through music. The words are spoken in a way that gives them a rhythm of themselves. Raps can be seen as a poem but with an informal style of narration and upbeat musical beats, but they are more entertaining. As a result, writing a great rap is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

Starting with a simple beat is a good way to begin while trying to write a rap song. Because an initial music beat can help you guide your thoughts.  You should also have a broad idea of the topic you want to write about. And when it is about finding the right words, just let your mind be free,  because the most brilliant ideas are those that appear out of nowhere. Allow some initial concepts to emerge in your mind. Make an effort to organize your thoughts into a rhythmic structure and around a beat.  As you think about it, several beats and rhymes will come to mind. Just continue experimenting with words and rhythms and make note of the best ones. From these ideas, try to create an initial piece of music, on which you can work to improve it further.

In order to improve your initial piece, just listen to it over and over again, make changes to your word choice and metaphors, rhymes and music beats, and do what makes it sound and feel better. You can also ask some of your friends to listen to your songs and contribute their own ideas as well. Finally, once you have a perfect piece of music, you can perform your track in front of the public.


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